Thursday, April 17, 2008


Ivan was born on 2nd April 1996 by Caesar process and was given complete name IVAN NAUFAL PRIADY. He was really a cute baby with normal weight of 3.6 kgs, but it was funny that he had no hair. So I always gave him hair-tonic in order to add the growth of his hair. And it worked well. Now he has good-full-hair.

He is now one of a junior high school student at same school with Ande in Al-Azhar. He has 145 IQ rank and then become an accellerated student, so since February 2008 he has been at 8th of junior high (SMP). And next year Ivan and Ande will finish their SMP altogether.

Ivan has good appreciation to IT and loves IT very much and learn it fast. His favorite recreation nowadays is going to bookstore, where he could choose various books related with IT matters like 'visual basic', how to creat & manage worm-virus,etc.

Being a boy with high IQ, he sometimes has so high pride with his capability of which I always warned him not to behave like that. "Be humble and everyone will respect you", I often told him. He's also lazy to study and got leasure too much by watching tv or playing with computer during study time at home. This problem typically happens for many of kids with high IQ, like Ivan and his friends which of course makes problem too to the parents. As parents we sometimes are stuck for not knowing how to manage him.

Beside the lack behavior of him, of course there's always positive things we can count from our Ivan. He is of course clever and has good appreciation for all lessons especially IT and math. (He is in rank 5 in his class now -there's 16 student in his accelerated class-).Everyday so many questions could be thrown out from his brain, even an annoyyed and silly ones. Being very creative, every things in his hands will become some other things that sometimes cannot be guessed.

Yes, that's Ivan. We thank God that we have our Ivan with his bads and goods. And hope someday he will be someone as he wishes, an IT expert.

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